Influence of colors on taste

Sight is the sense of perceiving material elements, colors and shapes . The sight has an importance on the taste perceived by the individual. Indeed, the eye is a sensory organ of visual perception , when it sends color information to the brain, it will make conclusions based on your past taste experiences. For example, if you see a red candy then your brain will make you think that candy is strawberry.

The brain, a complex organ that plays a role in the influence of sight on taste

Sight is the first sense in action in the mechanism of taste . Indeed, it gives important messages on the state of the product itself: solid, liquid, gaseous ... but also on the shape, appearance and color. This also allows us to recognize if a food lacks cooking or if it is cooked to perfection. The sight also determines the acceptance or not of a food , it is it which will determine our taste choices, hence the importance of presenting a dish well or making it as attractive as possible when you try to make taste a new food to a child.

The brain is a communication organ, when sight sends information to the brain about the food, it will form a representative image and send it to the frontal lobes (responsible for muscle control and the centers of thought, memory, etc.). This image allows you to get an idea of ​​the taste from the color of a food.

See well to eat well

In order not to be mistaken about a food, remember to wear your glasses! This is what can happen when you don't wear your glasses: an 85-year-old man found himself eating soap after his children gave him a gift in honor of the fathers. What he thought was a delicious lemon pastry was actually a yellow sliced ​​soap! After swallowing more than half his lips swelled up and he was rushed to the emergency room.

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