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Stress and work

More than one in five European employees report suffering from health problems related to stress at work . Unfortunately, this phenomenon does not spare any field of activity, it is found in small businesses as well as in multinationals . Stress alone accounts for 55% of absenteeism at work in Europe and it causes many inconveniences to companies.

The different jobs in optics

It exists different professions in optics ; Ophthalmologist , who requires 10 years of study after the baccalaureate, optician , whose diploma is obtained two years after the baccalaureate and finally orthoptist which requires three years of study after the baccalaureate. Three very different but complementary professions .


The fundus is a visual examination which detects eye diseases. It can also be used to monitor diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure . It is important to specify that such an examination generates a dilation of the pupil, the sight will therefore be blurred and will return clear only 2 hours or 4 hours after this one it is therefore necessary to come to accompany and not to take the wheel following a fundus.

Low vision treatment

It is important to note that today 3 million French people have vision less than 3/10. Significant visual blindness but nothing compared to the rest of the world. Almost 285 million people are visually impaired. Of these, 39 million are blind and 246 million have reduced visual acuity. In order to improve the lives of these individuals, science and research are making great strides .

Tom Ford

Tom Ford , American, stylist and film director, he met with great success in the 1990s. Artistic director at Gucci, he helped the empire escape bankruptcy by giving it a new image: Chic and Sexy. Subsequently, he took control of the Yves Saint Laurent house by becoming director of the communication and creation division. It was not until 2005 that Tom Ford decided to launch his own brand.

Screen that adapts to the view

Samsung reportedly filed a few months ago a patent for a television screen to adapt to the visual defects of users. Indeed, thanks to the eye tracking technology (which records eye movements) and facial recognition this new screen will be able to adapt to everyone's visual needs in order to correct and improve viewers' vision: a new experience for the ametropic.

Childhood screening

In France, according to the law, the sight of the baby must be checked on the 8th day of life, at the 9th month and at 2 years. His possible vision problems are then screened at the school. He is necessary to carry out these screenings from the first months of the child in order to treat and correct more easily his vision problems.

Protect your eyesight at work

The work supports are no longer the same as 10 years ago. Paper documents have been replaced by screens and this has led to a change in our lifestyle and consumption habits . Today , each French household has an average of 6 screens : telephone, computer, television, tablet, e-reader combined. The use of these causes a variation of symptoms on the vision called: computer vision syndrome (CVS: computer vision syndrome), the syndrome related to working on screens.

Computer glasses for back to school

A student spends an average of 7 hours a day in front of a screen : Computer, tablet, smartphone, television . In higher education, more and more research and files are required. For this, it is necessary or essential to have a computer. Hours fixed in front of a screen and ailments appear after a few hours: Headache, very stiff neck, back pain, red and itchy eyes, loss of concentration, nervousness... In order to reduce these ailments and be able to work There are solutions in comfort, from visual exercises to filters for screens without forgetting new technology glasses: Rest glasses .

Protect your eyes when crafting

80% of the information in our daily lives passes through our eyes, so it is necessary to protect them.
In order to take care of them, remember to use glasses;
- When there is sun (sea, mountain, city and car)
– When you do DIY (even on “Sundays”).
– If you have vision problems (myopia, presbyopia, etc.)


Brigitte-Fanny Cohen on TéléMatin , tells us about a study conducted by researchers from the American University of Northwestern which proves that the lights from our screens of smartphones, tablets and computers are harmful to the body . This radiation could even promote diabetes or obesity .

3 optical brands not to miss for the start of the school year!

This year and unsurprisingly, it's once again the fashion for retro! Pastel colours, refined style and innovations are in the spotlight, to the delight of eyeglass wearers. For women, the mix of materials, acetate and metal, is ultra trendy, for men, the effects of materials, wood, metal, soft-touch, are in order!

Through this article discover the 3 most trendy brands of this year , available on Varionet and at the best price especially for you.